Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Oops, Poops

Oops Poops


jillie said...


SignGurl said...


barman said...

Why do I have a feeling that would be me hanging there.

Manny said...

I can't see anything...sigh.

GAB said...

That is a very good idea of what I would look like had I did the jump!!!!!!! I like keeping my feet on the ground thank you very much

Manny said...

I can see it now. Yuck!

deb said...

Now, that is just foul. That makes me dry heave.

Spoony Quine said...

` I've seen that picture before! It's still just as disgusting and unfortunate as I remember!

Life@Cee said...

Yet another reason to keep my feet on the ground. Yuck!